What is Next for the Giving Pledge?


When meeting with founders & leadership teams interested in social impact, many of the same questions come up. One question I often hear is where does the Giving Pledge go from here?

When the Giving Pledge was signed almost a decade ago, hopes were high that it would generate new kinds of philanthropy globally. Nine years on, some objectives have been more fully realized than others.

Looking forward, it is the Giving Pledge's next gen of givers that hold the most promise of unlocking new approaches. These active givers, like the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, are innovating in order to best determine how capital can be used to invest into platform solutions, how technology can be robustly applied, and how foundations can leverage new forms of collaborative partnership to drive measurable results.


Two insightful readings:

The Bridgespan Group’s Nov-2018 retrospective on HNWI giving

Priscilla Chan's Dec-2019 Devex interview on recent learnings at CZI